Love is Essential to Healing

Love is Essential to Healing

I fall in love everyday When we begin to see people simply as human beings without an agenda – with hopes, dreams, and struggles – it becomes increasingly easy to see the beauty in them. Beauty that makes you smile. Beauty that makes you cry. Beauty that...
New Year’s Revelation

New Year’s Revelation

On December 25th – Christmas Morning – I ran a short 4K. This was the final run to complete my 2018 goal of running 1234 Kilometers or roughly 800 miles. Yay!!! Right? A few days before, though, I cut my big toe, but with a few dozen K left to...
How Craniosacral Therapy Relieves Stress

How Craniosacral Therapy Relieves Stress

Craniosacral Therapy relieves the constant overwhelm caused by chronic stress. It alleviates: Rapid heartbeat Mental / emotional overwhelm Nausea Shoulder and muscle tension Insomnia caused by stress Ongoing frustration and sense of no control Craniosacral Therapy...
Today’s Yoga Ended in… Murder!

Today’s Yoga Ended in… Murder!

I remember running down a wooded trail with a friend discussing a murder. I’m sure the passing couple were a bit taken aback by the nonchalant discussion of murder, but that’s just what a few crows are called. So, armed with a couple students, we dug into crow pose...
Pay What You Want

Pay What You Want

I often run Pay What You Want “specials.” Honestly, though, it’s not that special. It’s been a spiritual tradition for as long as there’s been spiritual traditions. Paypal: Venmo:...